Avoid the Pop-Ups!
Fight back with some of the following strategies:
1. When a window pops up, hit your "Alt+F4" keys to zap the window. You can also hit "Control+W" to whack them.
2. Close the pop-up by clicking the "X" in its top right corner. Some insidious windows are centered off the page to the right, however. In this case, click on the browser icon in its top left corner. This drops down a menu via which you can close the window.
3. Netscape users can click on 'Edit,' then 'Properties' or 'Preferences.' Click on the word 'Advanced' in the left column. A list of preferences will appear on the right: "unclick" javascript, cookies and other functions you wish to disable.
4. Several freeware and shareware programs exist to filter out pop-ups (with nicknames like "window crushers") and generally limit cookies and other annoyances. Visit a site like download.com and enter "pop ups" in the search box, and you'll get a list of programs to download, along with reviews. One often-mentioned shareware program is "Proxomitron."
Don't forget to be in touch! If you discover a new site with unwanted pop-up windows, or if you have a strategy to avoid the pop-ups that we have not listed here, let us know!