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RELEASE: March 3, 2000
CONTACT: Dan Bohan, President, Top9.com: 703-359-8868

Top University Web Sites Announced


The University of California, Berkeley Website remains the Internet's top-ranked university site, according to a list announced today by the new Web ranking and search directory, Top9.com. The listing displays the Internet's top 18 university Websites.

Topping the list was berkeley.edu, followed by utexas.edu, umich.edu and mit.edu. The nine sites listed all rank within the top 600 sites for the entire Internet, according to Top9.com. Rounding out the list is uiuc.edu at number five, followed by upenn.edu, unc.edu, wisc.edu and cmu.edu.

The "Universities" category is found in the Top9.com "Careers & Education" section. Nine additional universities are listed under the "Hot 9 Sites to Watch." Top9.com also lists the "Top 99 University Websites" from a link off its home page. The list features the overall Web ranking and monthly unique users for the sites. There is also a ranking archive for the past months, which shows that berkeley.edu has held the top spot for four months running.

Top9.com is the Internet's first search directory to use consumer intelligence to comprehensively rank the most popular websites by industry category. Data for Top9.com is collected by PC Data Online, through a proprietary survey methodology utilizing over 100,000 Web users.

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